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European Textile Forum - News

European Textile Forum - News


European Textile Forum - Newsletter


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The conference is drawing closer, and we have a very exciting programme for our week in Mayen! We will be having a lot of workshops to explore different aspects of dyeing and mordanting, including the effects of water differences for madder dyeing and tests of mordanting with the horsetail plant. Shellfish purple will be faked as well, continuing the first exploration of this done at last year's conference. 
As there seems to have been an issue with the form in one instance - if you have registered, you should have received the first participant information newsletter last week. In case you sent off the form and did not get the participant info mail, please get into contact with me.
In case you would like to join in, there are still a few spaces left for participants, and you can still register via the form on the website. Don't miss this opportunity for a week of hands-on experience  and exchange with archaeologists, conservators and professional dyers!

Best wishes, and hoping to see some of you soon in Mayen!
Katrin Kania
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