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European Textile Forum - Conference Information

European Textile Forum - Conference Information


European Textile Forum - Newsletter


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I have unfortunately heard about it a little late, but here you go: 
The 2nd DRESS Conference (an online conference) will take place November 7-9, about "The Complex Dimension of Clothing in Society". The conference will have three tracks:
Track 1 — Perspectives on Dress History & the Narrative of Clothing: How clothes & Textile Production characterize Societies
Track 2 — Data Digitalization & Structuring: What can we learn about Clothing & Society through Data Digitalization & even AI Learning?
Track 3 — The Political and Economic Dimensions of Clothing: From Sustainability & Production Concepts to affecting & even shaping Social Values
You can learn more about the conference on the website, where you can also find the Call for Papers. This has just closed officially yesterday, but if you would like to try and still slip in, send an email to the organiser until the end of the week.
Though I find the conference very interesting, I will of course not be able to join in - after all, the Textile Forum is during the same week. As we've unfortunately had some cancellations, there is still some on-site lodging available.
If you would like to register for the Forum and join us in Mayen, please do so until October 12!

Best wishes from the organisers
Katrin Kania
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