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Conference Info - Presentation about Sensory Archaeology of Garments

Conference Info - Presentation about Sensory Archaeology of Garments


European Textile Forum - Conference Information


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Some of you got the last infoletter only today - I'm sorry about the delay, it got stuck in the outbound queue and I only noticed this morning.
Here is the next announcement for you: 

The Section Française de la Direction des Antiquités du Soudan (SFDAS) is starting a cycle of hybrid lectures and conferences. The first event is organised on Thursday 21st of March, at 14.00 (Cairo time) / 13.00 (CET), and is about textiles: 

Title: The sensory archaeology of garments. New approaches to the body in ancient Sudan and Nubia
Speaker: Elsa Yvanez
Date: 21-03-2024
Time: 14.00 (Cairo time) / 13.00 (CET)

Location: IFAO, Mounira Palace and online on the IFAO YouTube channel

All the best,
Katrin Kania
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